A reflection on urbanism, ecology, sustainability and politics
Opening reception: Thursday, February 25, 2010 from 7:00 to 10:00 pm
Color Alternative Space (CAS) – 7520 Ne 4 Ct – 305 905 6769
Miami Event Space, Miami, FL 33138 http://www.miamieventspace.com/
The exhibition No Pedestrian Need Apply aims to pinpoint critical issues related to the
automobile in contemporary society and its dependence on oil, especially in North
America. This dependency has resulted in a lifestyle of wanton oil consumption on a
collision course with an ecological and social meltdown.
The event features the works of
artists Armando Mariño, Evelyn Valdirio, Rafael Fornés, Rafael López-Ramos,
Ramón Williams, and Odalis Valdivieso, whose works explore the following issues:
- Over half (57%) of the oil used in the USA is imported, and most of the world's oil
reserves are concentrated in the Middle East –about two-thirds controlled by
OPEC members.
- Oil price shocks and price manipulation by OPEC have cost the US economy
about $1.9 trillion from 2004 to 2008.
- The vehicles we drive release over 1.7 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere
each year, contributing to global climate change.
- Each gallon of gasoline we burn creates 20 pounds of CO2.That's about 6 to 9
tons of CO2 each year for a typical vehicle.
Rafael López-Ramos / artist-curator
rafaelopezramos@gmail.com / 786 506 3700 / www.lopezramos.in